Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Open Floor Plan - Seeing the forest through the trees

Even though this home construction is our first rodeo, we have quickly learned that home building for the owner is a string of decisions that link together like a chain of events.  It reminds me in a way of those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books I used to read as a kid.  Initial decisions set the wheels in motion on a progression of other decisions.  Sometimes it is easy to forget, that it is just as important to have in mind the beauty of the forest when we are among the trees.

Case in point, during his site visit, Brandon from Southgate Residential subtlety reminded me of the importance of remembering to keep in mind the open floor plan of the Frank Betz Appleton Chase as we work through individual choices and selection of interior finishes.  The following photos, while still in the framing stage show how the sightlines or vantage points from various parts of the house in this floor plan will show features of several different rooms within the same scene.  This is why choices in individual rooms have to be always placed in the context of the overall house.  See the photos below.

Vantage Point from the Foyer
The photo in the foyer shows a vantage point looking directly into the dining room in the photo foreground.  The open floor plan when finished also will showcase the decorative stairwell and even provide a background glimpse through line of sight into the kitchen furnishings and corner windows.

Vantage Point from Grand Room into Kitchen Area
This view from the grand room entry will provide a view into the kitchen furnishings even a view out onto the golf course through the keeping room.

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