Thursday, April 7, 2011

Construction - Week 4, Day 19 - April 6, 2011

Moving on Up . . .

Stairs Under Construction

The evening trip to 100 Yorktown had us find major progress.  The framers were able to complete almost all of the floor joists to the second story.  The garage and upstairs bonus room also took shape.  We even have the stairs started.  Hopefully by the end of the week we will at least have the stairs and flooring system upstairs completed.  Crossing our fingers.

Camden can now see where his bedroom is to be located.  Soon enough he will be able to walk through it.


  1. Wow, that's amazing! Looking good! :)

  2. Thanks Janet. Yes, each day is a little more exciting. The new neighborhood has several church kids, so Camden can't wait to get there.
