Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Construction - Week 4, Days 17 and 18 - April 4-5, 2011

I stopped by 100 Yorktown on Tuesday evening.   Karen has been doing drive bys in the meantime.  It looks like all the wall bracing on the 1st story has been installed and the started the rim board upstairs.  Between the bad weather the last week and the move to the second story, things have slowed down and progress is slower to notice.

Since it was just me on Tuesday evening, I spent a little extra time looking over some of the framing and picked up a pile of discarded nails around the house foundation.  I figured twenty minutes now was better than Camden or another neighborhood kid stepping on them later.

I did run into a few golfers around town on Tuesday that have been keeping up with construction from the 13th fairway.  It is a new feeling, but I guess more folks will see our home from the golf course than the front.  Makes me wonder why we are spending so much time worrying about the look of the front door.

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