Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Good Little Helper - Week 6, Day 28 April 19, 2011

A half a bucket full - A claim was made that we had 20 hundred
 Father and Son spent a significant part of this evening at 100 Yorktown.  We took some time to collect all the nails left laying around the job site.  We were thankful to having a couple of tools that Cam's grandpa dropped off to us last Saturday.

My little helper was such a trooper.  He actually made sure he hit each room twice as well as circling the house twice.  He really like using the tools and collecting his bucketful of nails.

His good work was rewarded with a few minutes on the neighbor's trampoline.   then it was off to church to put candy in Easter egges for the kids Easter festival.

The rest of the progress at 100 Yorktown consisted of framing more details in preparation of moving on the roof.
Posing with his new tools

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